Banffy Castle Vlad Dracula

Romania's Castles Guide Tour. The Banffy Castle of Bontida, in Romania. Often called “The Versailles of Transylvania”, was built between 1437, when the Baron Banffy received on behalf of king Albert the permission to build a citadel. The construction was finalized in 1543. Rebuilt along the years by the heirs to the Baron Banffy, the Castle preserves now the styles of Renaissance and Baroque. Since 2001, the castle has been hosting a Monument Restauration Training Centre, under the direction of the Transylvania Trust Foundation and partners. Romania' s Banffy Castle, along with the Poienari Castle, the kingdom of Vlad also known as The Impaler Tepes, He is the real life inspiration behind Bram Stoker's Dracula. The voïvod Vlad III Ţepeş was born in November 1431 and died in 1476 in Bucharest. Castle Bran...

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